(410) 533-5343
Kim Knight is a registered nurse with over 20 years experience working with babies and mothers. Her experience as a neonatal intensive care nurse and NICU educator has developed excellent assessment and teaching skills. As an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Kim has worked with thousands of breastfeeding families.
Breast milk is widely acknowledged as the most complete form of nutrition for infants with a range of benefits for infants' health, growth, immunity and development. The surprising and disappointing truth is that lactation problems do occur, even among women with the best of intentions and the highest motivation to succeed at breastfeeding. Some problems are due to circumstances beyond our control, while others are the direct result of lack of knowledge or lack of confidence, improper technique, or bad advice. Whether breastfeeding problems begin in the hospital or surface months later, they can be the source of great stress and threaten long-term breastfeeding. Experienced breastfeeding help can prevent or fix these issues. At Breastfeeding Works, our mission is to support breatfeeding mothers and their babies with personal care and instruction.
We pursue our mission by:
• private consultation to assist with breastfeeding technique and latch on, milk supply concerns and breastfeeding challenges associated with prematurity, multiple birth, oral motor dysfunction, and breast surgery.
• teaching classes such as "breastfeeding basics" and "breastfeeding for working moms"
• leading support groups for new moms and working mothers
• offering rental or purchase of the finest Medela breastpumps
• staff education programs
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