Breast feeding at work help.

Kim Knight RN, BSN, IBCLC, RLC

by appt in office or home visit in the greater Annapolis area

(410) 533-5343 

Contact Us

Breastfeeding Works
Severna Park, MD
(410) 533-5343

All consultations are by appointment only.


"Kim Knight is the key reason I succeeded in breastfeeding not once, but twice! First, with my older son, who had nipple confusion from finger feeding after leaving the hospital. Kim was able to get my baby back to the breast when no one else succeeded. We happily nursed for 16 months after that. With my twin boys, Kim identified a rare breastfeeding complication that was misdiagnosed as GERD and unidentified gastrointestinal issues by the doctors. When the best pediatricians and GI specialists couldn’t figure it out, they wanted me to stop breastfeeding. After asking me some key questions, Kim was able to identify a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Following her advice, my little babies went from excruciating pain to healthy and happy within 24 hours. We were able to continue breastfeeding successfully thereafter! I have given Kim’s name to so many breastfeeding and expectant moms. She is a warm, caring, wonderful woman and an invaluable resource to anyone planning on breastfeeding"!

I would not have been breastfeeding at all if it weren't for you. I hope you realize what a blessing you truly are to mothers. Sara S.

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